Spring ... The perfect time to Plant Seeds of Change!!
With Spring in the air, it may just be the perfect time to plant those seeds of change.
It’s lovely how when the sun comes out to warm the earth that we can’t wait to take off our overcoats, get out in the sunshine and enjoy natures gifts. It’s interesting how we start to think about getting our physical bodies back into shape, but have you ever considered getting your mental or emotional bodies back into shape and ready for the new growing season?
Why is it that we make New Year resolutions on the last day of the year? A day usually overcome with reflection and filled with celebration. Is it really possible to go to sleep on the 31st of December and wake on the 1st of January as a new person, with new goals and objectives? Doesn’t all significant change need preparation? It’s like attempting to grow a vegie garden by placing a seed in the night before and believing you’ll awaken to a huge beanstalk. I’m pretty certain that only happens in fairy tales.
In real life, we need to prepare the soil, plant the seed and nurture the seedling until it’s strong enough to blossom into the gorgeous plant or flower it was always intended to become. Spring is the perfect time to start preparing for the life you’d like to have in the New Year. Change takes effort. Habits are easily formed and considerably harder to break.
It takes a consistent approach for a period of time to get the results that you desire. You know this makes sense when it comes to our physical body, so why would it be any different when it comes to having the relationship you want or the career that makes you feel happy and valued. What habits do you want to change? What winter baggage do you want to let go of?
Why not make Spring the time to set yourself up for success? Use the spring energy to catapult your goals into action. Be kind enough to yourself and give yourself realistic timeframes to implement those changes. I’m super fortunate to work with clients and to witness the benefits of proper preparation, with the right ingredients and the right environment, change can happen quite quickly and very effectively. So, whether you want to quit smoking, eat healthier, be less stressed and more focussed, get paid more or enjoy more fun with the kids –
Spring is the perfect time to implement the changes you want to achieve. Make a commitment to yourself now and you’ll reap the rewards sooner than you think. Then you can really celebrate come the new year!